Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Shoes

Had to buy a new pair shoes cause my boots were killing my feet. They are doing great a few blisters but what can you expect when do 2 20 mile days with a brand new pair of hiking shoes. I am doing great have put in some bigs days. The last 5 out of 6 days I have done over 20 a day with my longest being 24. Spent the night in Hot Springs, NC on Tuesday and had an awesome homecooked meal at the place I stayed. It was nice cause it rained that night so I was able to stay dry and warm.

Days: 20
Miles: 312.9
Bears: 0
Deer: 4
Snakes: 2
Turkeys: 3
Turtles: 1 ( for those who complained)


  1. Thats awesome Adam! I cant believe youve already been gone 20 days!! Hope your enjoying every minute of it! I would live to send a care package to one of your stops, just let me or your Mom know which address, and what to pack, altho she did warn junk food. Happy to see the bear count is still 0. Stay safe, Love Aunt Leslie

  2. Only 1868.1 miles to go! The other Aunt Leslie

  3. We were not complaining about the turtle, we were concerned! You are really moving along, maybe you will make Amanda's wedding after all, I let you tell Uncle Rick the count is going back up!! I am so-so-so happy to hear you had a good homecooked meal and a dry place to stay!! Good luck with the blisters, I will send bandaids in the next care package! Love mom and dad

  4. Hi Red Moose, so glad you are having fun and you are keeping honest with your count! Hope your blisters are doing better and new shoes are helping. What an awesome experience! Enjoy every minute!
