Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Smokies

Stopped into town today to resupply, have been eating a lot the couple of days so I'm caring a few extra pounds the next days. The Smokies have been great so far. Amazing views from the mountain peaks. The park itself is just beautiful and so amazing. One in a life time experience. Overall I am doing great, hit the 200 mile mark yesterday as well the high point on the trail at 6643 ft.

If anyone wants to send a care package let me know and I can tell you where to send it.
Hope all is well with everyone.

Days: 14
Miles: 200.2
Bears: 0
Snakes: 2
Deer: 4
Turkey: 3


  1. Sounds like it's a great experience, I bet the views are gorgeous, I know they were over by Blue Ridge and Asheville. Keep your log, and take lots of pics! Have fun with the other mountaineers!

  2. Why did the turtle get removed from the list? haha. Sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up. If you want a care package, email where to send one (and what you might need)!

  3. I was wondering about the turtle too. Hope the next 200 go as smoothly! love mom and dad

  4. I want to send one! Let me know what you need and where to send it! I'm so glad you're having fun :)

    <3 Alissa
