Friday, April 22, 2011

So long Georgia

Crossed the GA/NC border yesterday, was pretty exciting. I will try and upload a photo later. I am doing well and am averaging 14 miles a day or so. Will be hitting the hundred mile mark tomorrow and planning to do my 1st 20 mile day. Somethings I've learn after sweep of hiking:

1. Georgia is a B*tch, up and down.
2. I have too much food for the 1st few days.
3. My pack is the heaviest in the morning.
4. Hitch hiking a ride to town wasn't that bad.

So far 0 bears and 0 snakes.

Oh and I changed my trail name to Red Moose.


  1. YEAAAHH!! Sounds like a great hike so far! Enjoy NC!

  2. One state down how many more to go? Congratulations on your first 100 miles!!! Glad to hear 0 bears and 0 snakes!!! What made you change your name to Red Moose? Glad things are going well, anxious to see photo's. love mom and dad

  3. Red Moose suits you better! Congrats on the first 100 miles Adam, thats awesome. Not a fan of snakes, so make sure to shake your boots every morning, you never know what crawls in them at night, thats my tip of the day. (ha,ha) Stay safe and happy trailing :)

  4. You are the man H2. Hit me up when you get up in the NY area if you need anything at all.

  5. Glad everything is going so well for you! Good bye Georgia, Hello North Carolina! Enjoy the trip, Red Moose, enjoy the trip!
