Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shenandoah National Park

Still having the time of my life. My ankle is all better, 100%. Entered Shenandoah National Park Friday, so far it has yet to be anything exciting. Basically I have been paralelling Skyline Drive and crossing it, not at view points. There has been a few good climbs and 1 or 2 good views.
I did see my second bear the other day, he really just didn't care that I was there. He was a good 15 yds off the trail eating and I almost walked right by him. It wasn't till I stopped that he looked up and took a few steps away. Didn't get a good picture cause he went into some brush and I just continued onward. 
Took a side trip down a trail to see a waterfall, wasn't worth the mile and a quarter hike straight back up to the AT. Still glad I went down to see it. 

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